Description and purpose:
Verbal feedback is affirmation and gentle correction in response to student discussion and questions synchronously to create an environment where students feel safe to question and trust the instructor will help.
Written feedback should be specific, directed to guide student understanding, and offered regularly.
Wise feedback means we strive to convey high standards, express confidence that students can meet those standards and support student action to meet the standards. Effective feedback suggests learners should be active in the feedback process which informs students of their learning progress and provides direction. Both of these together mean that we require students to do hard things, we give honest affirmation and kind correction, and allow them to correct their errors.
Implementation (verbal feedback):
Your tone must reflect that you value their struggle to reason and do not expect instant understanding. Students will learn to trust you and become more willing to share ideas that lead to deep learning.
During synchronous class time, make time for questions or listen to student discussion so you can verbally affirm correct thinking and gently prompt students to think about relevant concepts when you hear incorrect thinking. Before ending class, ensure that students know whether their problem solving process and solution is correct.
In an online class, require a synchronous session (students determine and sign up for times) for team quizzes and to provide an opportunity to ask questions. Offer an additional optional synchronous session for questions, or to work applications with peer and instructor support; record and post a video of this session.
Implementation (written feedback):
Collect some written work weekly (or less often but regularly). We use gradescope to provide personalized and specific feedback, then allow them to correct errors and resubmit assignments with a mild penalty.
In addition,
Post a partial key to written homework (the workbook) for additional feedback.
Immediate feedback is provided for online homework in which students have multiple tries.
Create an online forum for students to post and answer one another's questions. We like the format of padlet and students can easily post photos of work. Monitor to ensure students are getting the answers they need.
We give 2-3 midterm exams with practice, team components and/or reflection and corrections, so they function as both formative and summative assessments. The final exam is individual and a purely summative assessment.